Mario Batz wrote:
is it possible to connect a debian-server from my LAN over Internet to the
Server in an other LAN (with/-out xterm)?
Example: with  the free tool can i install a small application
on the target-pc (only windows) and so i can connect (connection with ssl)
with a browser (FF, IE, etc.) to the target-pc.
Yes, the most complete way is use vpn (eg. This way your local machine effectively becomes part of the lan on the other side of the web, allowing all network services to be accessed. It is also possible to connect two lans this way (google is,a s always, your friend) If you only need to browse remote websites, it might be easier to just tunnel your web traffic over ssh. Do a `ssh -D8888 remotehost', and tell your browser to use localhost port 8888 as a socks proxy.


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