Hello all,
We are attempting to create a union filesystem and export it via nfs to
a unix box.
Kernel level=custom 2.6.29_rc2 via git for unionfs from kernel org.
Mount to windows:
mount -t cifs //sservername/share /mnt/test/ --verbose -o
Union mount:
mount -t unionfs -o noinitgroups -o stats -o allow_other -o use_ino -o
nonempty -o suid -o hard_remove -o umask=000 -o uid=0 /mnt/test=RW
nfs export:
Root can write/read
common user can create file but cannot write.  They can also mv files
but cannot copy?
Where too look?  This starts at a unix box connected via nfs to debian,
union mounted to a cifs mount that connects to windos box.

Thank You,

Chris Parker

Network/Server Administration



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