On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 10:48:36PM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:
| Does spamassassin use relays.osirusoft.com?

| I have a lot of DNS traffic running with this query and I noticed
| that my mail log was full of messages to stop using
| relays.osirusoft.com.

Yeah, I just heard that relays.osirusoft.com is presently really
hosed, such that any host is reported as being dial-up.

| I turn off the use of relays.osirusoft.com which has greatly sped up my 
| email and even cleaned up the network traffic a bit.
| But I still have a lot of these running around.  I suspect it's 
| spamassassin, but I'm not really sure how to even begin investigating 
| without going through a lot of code.

You don't need to read the code, just the docs.  There's a command
line option to tell SA not to perform only local checks (not check any
RBLs or razor or any other non-local query).  I don't know the option
off-hand, so 'man spamassassin' or 'man spamc' to find out.


A man of many companions may come to ruin,
but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
        Proverbs 18:24

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