Hi Larry,

I have been using Debian Linux on two 712/100.  I bought a cdrom that was compatible 
with these machines.  Not all cdroms drives will allow the 712's to bot off of them.  
I think maybe the newer SCSI cdrom's will work.

Anyway, I suggest subscribing to [EMAIL PROTECTED], they are more than willing to help 
with any Debian questions relatyed to the HPPA machines.  It seems, from what I have 
been able to gather, the HPPA architecture has made it very difficult for the Linux 
community to make a suitable Linux kernel that will run on these machines.  I am not 
sure if you could simply cross compile on another machine and load that into your 712 
machines.  The easiest way to go is buy the distro from one of the vendors on the 
debian.org website.  I bought mine from Abexia and was very pleased with how well the 
installation went, although I had never installed Debian before so the learning curve 
was the installation.  I use KDE as my window manager and it takes a while to load it 
on my machines, but once it is up and running it performs very well.  The video uses 
only 8 bit depth, it will not owrk on any higher bit depth.  But for me, that is more 
than enough to learn Debian. 

Hope this helps and I did not ramble too much...smile.

James E. Merritt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Crouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:00:01 -0400
Subject: HP 712/60 questions

> Hello,
> First of all I'm unfamiliar with Unix/Linux/Debian
> and such since I've been in the Windows world
> for many years.
> I came across 3 HP 712/60 workstations and
> figured this would be a good project to acquaint
> myself with Linux.
> The learning curve has been very substantial
> so please bear with me.
> The workstations have no floppy or CD drive.
> The only way to load PALO (I think that's the
> boot loader for Linux) is via a lifimage stored
> on a remote boot server.
> The HPs boot HPUX and then an application.
> I've seen the BOOT_ADMIN and ISL
> screens enough to turn auto boot off and
> verify that everything seems to be as discussed
> in various Debian web pages.
> I guess I have to load Linux onto one of
> my PCs (I have a couple of Pentiums not
> being used at the moment), load the Linux
> sources, run the cross-compiler with certain
> options to create a lifimage and then enable
> a DHCP daemon so the HP box can boot
> from it.
> Is this the path or am I completely offbase.
> Any help is appreciated.
> --
> Larry Crouch
> -- 
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