* Michael M. Moore <mich...@writemoore.net> [2009-05-16 16:20:28 -0700]:

> Out of curiosity, if you ping the repositories first, then run apt-get
> update, does it resolve properly and proceed with the update?

Nope, no joy.  The repos do resolve with ping, however.  There seems to
be something else going on when I call apt, but I can't place my finger
on it...  The thing is I get an *instant* no resolve error with apt.  It
doesn't seem to be timing out.  I've tried running apt-cache clean, no
joy.  Perhaps a cache is not clearing, and lookups are going to the
cache?  Tried running apt with Acquire::http::No-Cache "true";
No luck.
> It was enormously frustrating. 

Heh.  This is why I'm mailing from Lenny - this side works fine.
> I only ever had this problem with Debian and Ubuntu, both installed on
> my PC and my iMac.

I'm seeing almost exactly the same thing in Fedora 11, and we're working
on that one in those lists.  I think the local isp here has broken
servers, causing all the grief.  The problem seems to be a local one,
and a couple golf partners have reported the same thing.
> IMO -- my entirely unscientific uninformed opinion, I stress -- there's
> something funky about Debian's networking stack.

Yeah, but Debian's good at it.  I've generally been able to solve
networking problems on Debian systems more rapidly than with others.

I'll try disabling v6 entirely and see what happens ;-)


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