Alan Shutko wrote:
> Aryan Ameri <> writes:
>> Well, I always thought that AutoCAD was the equivalent of Windows in the 
>> CAD world. And I thought that for more professinal stuff ( i.e 
>> designing BMW cars) businesses use more sophisticated products (which 
>> again I always thought) run on Unix workstations.
> Yes, basically.  Although the big packages also run on NT.  (I used
> to work for Unigraphics, which is one of the high-end packages.)
>> It seems I was wrong though. AutoCAD is the only CAD product which I 
>> have ever heard it's name (OK, aside from QCAD). 
> High-end CAD is not a very common occupation.  Many more people use
> AutoCAD than have ever used UG, CATIA or Pro/E.  The high-end licenses
> cost about the same as a small car per seat, so it's natural many,
> many more people talk about AutoCAD.

I know this is digging up old news, but I have to wonder if the
situation has changed in the years that this was originally posted, now
that AutoCAD costs more than I have ever paid for a car, and still
doesn't work in Wine.

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