Depo Catcher wrote:
> uh, ok.  Thanks
> Why didn't aptitude find it?
Because you're not using the version in experimental :)
the versions currently in <=sid default to searching on package name
only. This changes in the experimental version where the search
parameters change. I almost always specify what I'm searching on. For
example, search on name:
aptitude search ~n"search string"

search on description
aptitude search ~d"search string"

In this case you would have found it by using:
aptitude search ~d"unix2dos"

I suggest you read through the aptitude documentation. There's a lot of
things you can do with it that may not be immediately obvious. Install
the doc package, quickly go through it to see some of the possibilities,
and then refer bak to it for specifics as needed. You'll get to know
what you commonly use fast enough, but knwing what's possible with more
advanced usage can come in handy down the road.

aptitude search ~n"aptitude-doc"
v   aptitude-doc                    -

p   aptitude-doc-cs       - Czech manual for aptitude
i   aptitude-doc-en       - English manual for aptitude
p   aptitude-doc-fi       - Finnish manual for aptitude
p   aptitude-doc-fr       - French manual for aptitude
p   aptitude-doc-ja       - Japanese manual for aptitude

I've created a desktop file that points to the command-line reference
portion of the manual for when I need it (and I can go to any other part
from there as well, that's just the part I refer to the most).


You can just create a bookmark within your browser instead.

> Jan Muszynski wrote:
>> Depo Catcher wrote:
>>> ok thanks.  That worked.
>>> for bonus points, were/how do I install 'dos2unix' and 'unix2dos'... it
>>> doesn't come install by default nor does it show up in aptitude
>> apt-file find dos2unix
>> tofrodos: /usr/bin/dos2unix
>> apt-file find /usr/bin/unix2dos
>> tofrodos: /usr/bin/unix2dos
>> #aptitude install tofrodos

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