
I've got a little script, what gives wget some URLs to download, the URL-s
are not soo long, but, the URL's are redirected, then they are too long:

wget $(script)

Cannot write to
(File name too long).

If it would be only one file/URL, I could use the "wget -O filename" option,
but in this case, I have a number of URL's from a script
The only static thing I see here, is that the long URL's are usually like
this: "filename?saadlfjanvyxhvuasdhrarf" so they're separated by a question

I read mailing list like:

and it say's theres a wget option:

-tc, --trimcharacter char cut filename after character, such as "_"

but it doesn't work for me, and I got a question mark (?) for separator

could anyone give any tips? :)

thank you in advance

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