It's Samba!  Samba's what's not working!  Help!



Subject: Whatzit.
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 04:46:50 -0400

The whatzit won't let me login to the computer remotely using the debian login, 
although the whozit on the other website said that it should be thus 
configured.  The howzit sez it should be working just fine, and the Debian 
machine can see our Windows machines, and our Windows machines our Debian 
machine, but we can't log in to the Debian machine.
The thingamajig that attempts to connect to the Debian machine asks us for 
usernames and passwords when we try to connect.  I get that.  That's supposed 
to be normal.  I think.  We put in the Debian Username and password and press 
enter, and the thingamajig on Windows changes the login to 
"ComputerName\DebianLogin" and just keeps asking over and over for us to tell 
it that stuff.
Furthermore, I have a suspicion that the whatzit, which is supposed to be the 
file server app for Debian, won't allow us to work with the Debian machine as 
intended.  Specifically, there is more than one person who should have 
read-write access to the archives on the Debian machine at any given time, but 
it seems to want to lump all of us in to our own little directories on the 
Debian machine, thus defeating the purpose of a shared file archive on the 
Debian machine!
Perhaps ya'll can tell me the wherezat I have to use and and the doodads I have 
to fix to get the whatzit working again.
I am being totally serious about this.  It's not my fault that in my 
frustration I fergot all the technical terms and caused you to spray your drink 
all over your monitor!

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