Hi David,

Am Mon, 2003-08-25 um 15.53 schrieb David Corbin: 
> I upgraded SA to the 2.54 version from apt-get.org.  Now, it seems, NO 
> spam is detected. Looking at the headers, it gives everything a 0 score. 
> It also says "test=0", as if it's not checking anything.  Is there some 
> configuration piece that got missed or that I need to set by hand?

i updated yesterday to SA 2.55 and build my own .debs.
I noticed that SA now needs a perl package called Digest-Nilsimsa-0.06
but this package is not covered by the configure script. 
At some point during "make Makefile.pl" (or was it just "make"?) you'd
get an error. You may want to check if this package is already installed
on your system (/usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1/Digest/Nilsimsa.pm).

If everything fails you can try my own SA2.55 .deb which includes
Nilsimsa, razor v2 and - of course - SA 2.55.

You can get it here:



Matthias Hentges 
Cologne / Germany

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