On Fri Apr 17, 2009 at 19:34:52 +0100, Nuno Magalh??es wrote:

> >  Usually I'd say look at /var/log/daemon.log - if that doesn't
> > work I'd add "set -x" to the init script and see how far it
> > gets.
> Ah, daemon.log.... it's a socket issue:
> Apr 17 19:12:57 box in.tftpd[15899]: cannot bind to local IPv4 socket:
> Address already in use

  "Address already in use" -> Means there is something listening on the
 tcp socket.

  (ie. There is another tftpd deamon already running.)

> There's nothing "pending" on /var/lock or /var/run, could this be permissions?

  No.  The message is talking about a network socket.  Kill the existing
 process and all will be well.

  You should be able to find the process ID via :

    ps aux |grep tfp

  Then kill it with:

    kill -9 the-number-you-found-above

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