On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 11:52:20PM +1000, Damien Solley wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 23:46, Olivier Robert wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm wondering if someone's got some experience with the acme package.
> > The packege description is:
> > 
> > acme - Enables the "multimedia buttons" found on laptopsacme - Enables
> > the "multimedia buttons" found on laptops
> > 
> > I have a Compaq 1800-18XL484 with those funny multimedia buttons which
> > xev does not see ;)
> Acme works well for me. I only really use it for volume control, but it
> works with the function keys on my laptop (Dell Inspiron). I think it
> can work with anything that xev sees...
> So, is there any way to get xev seeing your multimedia keys? Perhaps by
> specifying a different keymap/keyboard in XF86config? I'm no expert on
> this step.

Nope, no way from xev to see these buttons.
I thought may be acme would be able to see them, but I understand now
that is it just a handy way to map the keys.

Thanks for helping.
 .''`'.     Olivier Robert
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