Hello, Your original email was sent to an address listed in the "changed" field of the APNIC Whois Database. Please note that the "changed" and "source" fields are not intended to be used to contact the network responsible for the resource you queried in the database. These fields do not indicate responsibility for network operations but instead relate to administration of the APNIC Whois Database records.
To contact the network listed in the database --------------------------------------------- Please use the "admin-c" and "tech-c" fields. For information on how to locate the email addresses associated with these fields see: http://www.apnic.net/info/faq/abuse/using_whois.html#4 For information on reporting spam and network abuse --------------------------------------------------- Please see the FAQ "Reporting network abuse: spamming and hacking" at: http://www.apnic.net/info/faq/abuse/index.html Please note that APNIC is not an ISP. Nor is it empowered to investigate complaints of spam or network abuse. _____________________________________________________ THIS IS AN AUTOMATED RESPONSE Please note, replies to this message will NOT be read. If this email has not provided the information you need, please refer to other APNIC contact addresses, which are described at: http://www.apnic.net/emails.html _____________________________________________________ -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]