On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 22:52:32 +1200
Adam Bogacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> *** I am ready to continue the process of correcting apt's error
> messages
> but they now flash by too quickly to be legible and there is no way
> I'm aware of, in the absence of a WM in console mode, of scrolling
> back and reading in detail. Can they be viewed in a file somewhere? 

You can redirect the output with >, 2>, or &>. The first (>) redirects
stdout to wherever you specify, the second (2>) redirects stderr, and
the third (&>) redirects both.

apt-get install -q <package> &> apt.log
will redirect all output to apt.log. However, if there is a prompt (i.e.
Do you wish to continue?) Then it will still wait for user input. Once
its started logging to apt.log, run
tail -f apt.log
to "follow" the output of apt-get install -q <package>, so you know when
to press what.

You can read more about '-q' in 'man apt-get'
and more about '-f' in 'man tail'
-johann koenig
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