On Monday 25 Aug 2003 8:56 am, Joris Huizer wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> The computer I'm using has two hard discs:
>  /dev/hda Windows ME
>  /hev/hdb Linux Debian
> Because Windows ME is slow and buggy, my dad wants to
> replace it with XP;
> What are the risks - will XP mess with the boot loader
> or something? Is there more I should be affraid of?

XP will mess with the boot loader, no question about that.  I have my boot 
loader (Grub) and linux OS on my first disk and windows on the second disk.

That way when I have to reinstall windows I just unplug the first disk, 
reinstall and it only messes with the second disks boot loader.  Plug the 
first disk back in and away I go.

Try and get your boot loader working on the second disk, swap the disks round.  
Then Linux will be on the first disk, windows on the second.  With the first 
disk booting windows on the second disk, when you have to reinstall windows 
you wont have to worry about losing your boot loader.

If you want to be able to write to windows from linux I sugest that you use 
fat32, not ntfs as the file system in windows.


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