Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> William Bradley wrote:
> > a lot of trouble, except for one item. The mouse did not work. It is
> > an off the shelf Logitech PS/2 mouse with a wheel.

Wheelmice are ImPS/2 protocol.  (Intelimouse)

> > Section "InputDevice"
> >          Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
> >          Driver          "mouse"
> >          Option          "CorePointer"
> >          Option          "Device"                "/dev/psaux"
> ..use "/dev/gpmdata"...(or was it gpm-data?)...

It is /dev/gpmdata.  When you do an initial installation that option
is just off the end of the scroll list and easy to miss.

> > gpm was installed by me but has since been removed. The result either
> > way was the same.

> ...then [ctrl]+[alt]+[F3] and try get gpm working.  

Specifically, install it again!

  apt-get install gpm


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