On 2009-04-04_21:11:05, Francisco Ant?nio da Silva Souza wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Paul E Condon 
> <pecon...@mesanetworks.net>wrote:
> > What is the package to install to get adobe flash player in Lenny? I
> > think I read that its name is 'flashplayer-nonfree', but I find
> > only flashplayer-nonfree-extrasound, which doesn't strike me as what
> > I want (wrong name, etc.)
> >
> Hello Paul,
> to install adobe flash player, you can:
>    1. Visit the site www.adobe.com, download the flash player and install
>    it;
>    2. Use the www.debian-multimedia.org mirror:
>       1. Open the* /etc/apt/sources.list*
>       2. Add *"deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org lenny main"*
>       3. Execute *"apt-get update"*
>       4. If you got problems with gpg, look this FAQ:
>       http://www.debian-multimedia.org/faq.php#q1

Well I am having problems with gpg. The FAQ tells me to click on
a hotlink. When I do that a pop-up called Archive Manager offers
to store the download in the root directory (/). Is this really
what should be allowed to happen? This is a very strange "security"
step, IMHO. And, if not in the root directory, where should it be
put? And then what is to be done to tell apt-get about it? IMHO,
the FAQ answer is too terse. Is there a package that I can download
and install from the command line rather than using something 
really opaque for Gnome?

>       5. Execute *"apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla"*
> Best regards,
> Francisco Ant?nio da Silva Souza
> Linux User #488128
> http://franciscossouza.blogspot.com

Thanks Francisco. Despite my kvetching, to have this is progress.
Paul E Condon           

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