Thomas H. George <> wrote:
> I wish to share or move files between two Debian systems on a LAN.  Each
> can successfully ping the other using their system names, dragon and
> phoenix.

There are myriad ways (well, quite a number, anyway) to do this. Here
are a few:

1. ssh

    aptitude install ssh                        # On both boxes, please
    scp -p /path/to/source  otherhost:/path/to/target
    scp -p otherhost:/path/to/source /path/to/target

2. rsync

    aptitude install ssh rsync                  # On both boxes
    rsync -avP /path/to/source  otherhost:/path/to/target
    rsync -avP otherhost:/path/to/source /path/to/target

3. NFS (actually the NFS automounter)

    aptitude install autofs nfs-kernel-server   # All of this on both boxes
    echo '/var/autofs/net /etc/ --timeout=60' >>/etc/auto.master
    mkdir /var/autofs
    invoke-rc.d autofs restart

    echo '/data (rw,no_root_squash)' >>/etc/exports
    invoke-rc.d nfs-common restart
    invoke-rc.d nfs-kernel-server restart

If I've remembered everything correctly, you should now have each server's
/data mounted under /var/autofs/net/{machine_name}/data on the other.
Consequently, you should be able to do things like this from each box:

    ls /var/autofs/net/phoenix/data/...
    cp -p /var/autofs/net/dragon/data/some/file /target/path

4. Samba (SMB)

I'm going to leave this one alone, as I've never got it to work reliably
without fiddling around for hours. If you really decided to go this route
then maybe I'll try to give you my recipe. But you'll probably be better
off with #3, above. Or someone else's Samba configuration.

5. FUSE/ssh

A bit esoteric for this posting, I think.

> I have tried to copy the file I need with command on dragon:

> dragon:~# spc phoenix:/data/filename /data
> ssh: connection to host phoenix port 22: no route to host

That suggests you're not running ssh (service) on phoenix.

> Notes: I have edited hosts.allow on both systems to allow each other.
> There are no entries in hosts.deny.  I have checked the output of
> netstat -pln and find that neither is listening on port 22 so I tried 

If nothing's listening there's no point trying to talk to it.

    aptitude install ssh
    invoke-rc.d ssh restart


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