Daniel Dalton <d.dal...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> I installed the blueproximity package from debian lenny and got the
> following results:
> - It locks my screen when I turn bluetooth off on the phone.

Fair enough - you've gone out of range

> - When I turn bluetooth back on screen unlocks again

Likewise, you've come back in to range

> - When I walk about 10 metres away from the machine it doesn't lock.
> - Distance is set to 1

On mine, I have the following:

LOCK distance=27, duration=6 (seconds)
UNLOCK distance=19, duration=0

With the phone in my pocket (and hence under the desk) I have a distance
measurement that varies between around 4 and 11.

> - I've told it to start at start up, but if I don't launch it from a
> gnome terminal it doesn't work!

I can't help you there - it "just worked" for me.

> So does anyone know how I can:
> - make it work from gnome starting with out running it from a terminal?

System > Preferences > Sessions > Startup Programs, and enable
blueproximity. (If you don't have blueproximity then add it.)

> - Make it recognise the device moving away and lock the screen?

Watch the real-time proximity measurement and tweak the lock/unlock
parameters appropriately. You should have a long-ish period of absence
before locking the screen, but have it unlock immediately it can see
the phone.

> - Is it possible to detach all screen sessions running on other consoles
> with a command? 

If there's a command to do so, then yes. (I suspect a combination
of screen -ls and screen -D will do this if you really want it, but
I'm not sure why. Wouldn't you be better off just locking the non-GUI
consoles? You could try something like vlock for this.) Look in the
Locking tab for the programs to be run when locking/unlocking. Um,
have you actually tried to configure the applet, yet?

> - Stop the phone from asking to receive a message from my computer each
> time it goes to unlock (as soon as I switch bluetooth back on)

Set your phone to allow connections from previous paired devices
automatically. On my Nokia 6021 it's under Settings > Connectivity >
Bluetooth > Paired devices > {Device}, then Options > Auto-conn. without
confirmation = Yes. If I recall, my wife's (different) Nokia has a
similar option within the Bluetooth configuration section.


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