Douglas A. Tutty <>:
>  On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 11:00:58AM -0500, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> > On Friday 13 March 2009 08:43:07 Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> > > As for rolling upgrades, great but what about when e.g. a hard 
> > drive
> > > fails.
> > 
> > It's called a "backup".
>  Sure, if you want to do a back-up of the whole installed she-bang
>  (rather than just the data and the required debs).

I use the following to do backups.  It calls afio using bzip
compression to back up specific filesystems (/home, /etc, /var, ...).
It does not bother to backup anything that's on a Debian install CD.

Install minimal Debian on new box, drag in your archives, and you're
back to square one.  You do not need to "image the drive" a la
Windows.  The Debian installer is much better at sorting that stuff
out than you or I.

Caveat, relies on a /scratch hierarchy.

# /home/keeling/sh/new_mkafio - usage (as of Etch (16Nov2007)):
#   i)   Build compressed afio archives of selected partitions.
#      (0) heretic /home/keeling_ su -c \
#            "time nice ~keeling/sh/mkafio"
#   ii)  Manually copy any other files you want archived into
#        ${AFIO} (defined in root's .profile).
#   iii) burn the result to CD-R(W):
#          *** New! ***  mkisofs is done by function mkiso.
#          **** Newer!  Disabled!  Run mkisofs as follows.
#          ***** Newer! Yes, and what does that mean?  Why is mkiso() 
deprecated?  Idiot! 
#          ****** Where is "${ISO} today?  Does root know?  He's running this.
#          ******* mkiso() is re-enabled, and it works on phreaque/Etch.
#      ***  Don't do this!  The script does it for you.  ***
#        (0) heretic /home/keeling_ mkisofs -o $ISO/track_01.img \
#            -pad -allow-leading-dots -max-iso9660-filenames \
#            -r -relaxed-filenames $AFIO
#        (0) heretic /home/keeling_ wodim speed=16 dev=/dev/hdd fs=64M \
#            -eject -data driveropts=burnfree $ISO/track_01.img
# afio switches:   -z         print stats
#                  -Z         compress
#                  -v         verbose
#                  -T 3k      files < 3 Kb are not compressed
#                             (for performance)
#                  -o         output filename
#                  -P bzip2   use bzip2 compression
# Documentation: see EOF.
# -------------------------------------------------------------

# set -x

# who should everything end up being owned by?
umask 022             # was 0022; testing - 24Jan2008

# paranoia.
if [ -f "~/mkafio_fail" ]; then
   echo failed last time.  \$HOME/mkafio_fail exists.
   exit 0

# some defaults
if [ -d /scratch ]; then
elif [ -d /home/keeling/scratch ]; then

   echo Cannot determine whereabouts of \$scratch; bailing.

   # initialize paranoia.
   touch ~/mkafio_fail
   exit 1

me=$(basename ${0})
now=$(date '+%Y%m%d')
mo=$(date '+%m')

# backup the old one, copy in the new one, before we burn backup.
mv ${workdir}/mkafio ${workdir}/mkafio_old
cp /home/keeling/sh/mkafio ${workdir}

# DON'T put "${AFIO}" in here!  It's where everything else
# is written to.  Contents of ${topdir}/afio WILL be
# burned to the iso by mkisofs
ptns="etc home var"

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions.                                                 -
# ------------------------------------------------------------

# mkisofs?  create iso fs for wodim to burn.
mkiso() {
   genisoimage -o ${iso} \
      -allow-leading-dots -pad -max-iso9660-filenames \
      -input-charset iso-8859-15 -r -relaxed-filenames \
      -T -publisher 's. keeling <>' \
   sleep 10
   chown keeling:keeling ${iso}

# tar up /root
root() {
    echo "${me}: archiving root's HOME."
    tar czpf ${workdir}/${now}_root.tgz /root
    sleep 3
    # chmod 660 ${workdir}/${now}_root.tgz
    chown keeling:keeling  ${workdir}/${now}_root.tgz

# tar up /usr/local
uloc() {
    echo "${me}: /usr/local"
    tar czpf ${workdir}/${now}_usrlocal.tgz /usr/local

# create list of installed packages.
plist() {
   if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then
      echo "${me}: making sorted package list."
      /usr/bin/dpkg --get-selections > ${workdir}/${now}_packages.txt
      echo "${me}: not running Debian.  Cannot make pkg list!"
      echo 'see plist()'

# list ptn config.
ptns() {
    echo "${me}: creating fdisk listing."
    fdisk -l > ${workdir}/${now}_fdisk.txt
    echo "" >> ${workdir}/${now}_fdisk.txt
    pydf --bw -h >> ${workdir}/${now}_fdisk.txt

# list pci devices.
ls_pci() {
    echo "${me}: saving lspci output."
    lspci -vv > ${workdir}/${now}_lspci.txt

# raw hardware listing.
# "hwinfo --short", too expensive and disruptive (don't trust).
# I have a copy run in 23Mar2008.  no need for it again.
hw_info() {
    for target in lsmod dmesg; do
        echo "${me}: saving ${target} output."
        ${target} > ${workdir}/${now}_${target}.txt

# list /scratch/afio
a_dir() {
    echo "${me}: making afio dir listing."
    ls -alF ${topdir}/afio > ${workdir}/${now}_scratchafiols.txt

# compress logs.
zippem() {
    echo "${me}: compressing logs and text files."
    bzip2 -f *.log
    bzip2 -f *.txt

# hammer ownerships
owns() {
    echo "${me}: changing ownerships."
    for f in ${workdir}/*; do
        chown ${owner}:${ogroup} ${f}

# this routine isn't called.  another/different "compress
# logs"/zippem().  redundant?
# wrong too.  this syntax should loop.  better to use zippem's
# globbing.
logzip() {
    echo "${me}: compressing log files."
    bzip2 -f ${workdir}/${now}_${pkg}.log

# end functions.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# must be run as root!  it's backing up the system, including
# user and root areas.  it needs unfettered access.
if [ ${UID} = 0 ]; then

    echo "${me}: starting at $(date)"

    if [ -f "${iso}" ]; then
        echo "${me}: deleting obsolete iso."
        rm -f ${iso}

    cd ${workdir}

    if [ "${#}x" = "0x" ]; then

        echo "${me}: moving old archives out of the way."
        rm -f ${topdir}/old_afio/*
        mv ${workdir}/200[0-9]* ${topdir}/old_afio/

        for f in ${ptns}; do

            if [ -f "${workdir}/tarX_${f}" ]; then

                echo "${me}: creating ${workdir}/${now}_${f}.afio"

                # this ptn has a tarX_ file
                find /${f} | \
                   egrep -v "`cat ${workdir}/tarX_${f}`" | \
                   afio -z -Z -P bzip2 -v -T 3k \
                   -o ${workdir}/${now}_${f}.afio \
                   > ${workdir}/${now}_${f}.log 2>&1


                echo "${me}: creating ${workdir}/${now}_${f}.afio"

                # this ptn does not have a tarX_ file
                find /${f} | \
                   egrep -v "^/proc|lost\+found" | \
                   afio -z -Z -P bzip2 -v -T 3k \
                     -o ${workdir}/${now}_${f}.afio \
                     > ${workdir}/${now}_${f}.log 2>&1

        # can't loop this; 'slash' != '/'





        # brutal command.  skipped for now.  not installed?  correct.
        # wrong.  this doesn't use hwinfo.  it's a func which calls
        # shell tools. 





    elif [ "${1}x" != "x"]; then

        # invoked as "mkafio blah", so only create afio archive for
        # /blah filesystem, either using or not using tarX_blah
        # exclude file.

        for f in ${workdir}/*_${pkg}.*; do

            echo "${me}: removing ${f}"
            rm -f ${f}


        echo "${me}: creating ${workdir}/${now}_${pkg}.afio"

        if [ -f "${workdir}/tarX_${pkg}" ]; then

            find /${pkg} | \
                   egrep -v "`cat ${workdir}/tarX_${pkg}`" | \
                   afio -z -Z -P bzip2 -v -T 3k \
                     -o ${workdir}/${now}_${pkg}.afio \
                     > ${workdir}/${now}_${pkg}.log 2>&1


            find /${pkg} | \
                 egrep -v "^/proc|lost\+found" | \
                 afio -z -Z -P bzip2 -v -T 3k \
                   -o ${workdir}/${now}_${pkg}.afio \
                   > ${workdir}/${now}_${pkg}.log 2>&1


        echo "${me}: changing ownerships."
        # chmod 660 ${workdir}/${now}_${pkg}.*
        chown ${owner}:${ogroup} ${workdir}/${now}_${pkg}.*


    echo "${me}: This must be run by root."
    exit 1
fi # $UID = 0

# set +x

#            !!! Historical !!!
# Theory:
#   Sometimes I run this to create a full backup, and sometimes
#   I run it to create an update to an older backup (usually just
#   my /home directory).  It's also useful for when you've
#   forgotten to mount /boot prior to archiving (formerly, my /boot
#   was left unmounted).
# Usage:
#   - List partitions to be backed up in "${ptns}".
#   - Copy anything else to be backed up to "${workdir}".
#   - Anything NOT to be backed up, list in "tarX_blah" file.
#   - Run it:
#      time nice --adjustment=20 makeafio
#   or:
#      makeafio [PTN]
#   where "[PTN]" is none or one of those listed in "${ptns}".
#   This script creates afio archives in my ${topdir}/afio directory.
#   Once completed, use mkisofs or XCDRoast/KonCD/k3b/... to create a
#   ".img" file, then burn the contents of ${topdir}/iso to CD.
#   Everything in ${topdir}/afio will go into the ".img" file, so for
#   anything beyond the afio archives you want to end up on the 
#   CD, copy that into ${topdir}/afio before running this.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Usage details:
# - This needs to run as root to do anything.
# - Assign the partitions you want backed up in ${ptns}
# - Everything else you want backed up should go in ${workdir}
#   (here, ${topdir}/afio).  Anything you don't want in the afio
#   archives should be listed in a "tarX_PTN" file.  Ie., if you 
#   don't want /blah backed up, add "|^/blah" to the slash (root) 
#   partition's tarX_slash file thus:
#         "^/proc|lost\+found|whatever|^/blah"
#   This should be a single line file.  It forms an exclude list 
#   for the egrep pipe.  If your partitions aren't split up quite so 
#   much as mine, you may have to augment your tarX_* files 
#   considerably.  The default exclude list contains "^/proc|lost\+found", 
#   knowing these two should never be backed up for any reason. 
# - To burn the result to CD-R(W):
#   (use "wodim --devices" (on Debian) to find yours).
# - As soon as the ${topdir}/iso/track_01.img file has been burned to 
#   CD, the .img file can be removed to recover space (done by makeafio
#   when it starts).
# - To recover data from an afio archive, SET DEFAULT TO THE DIR
#   TO WHICH YOU WISH THE DATA WRITTEN[*] ("cd ~/dwn"), then (assuming
#   the input's on CD, mounted on /cdrom):
#         afio -Z -P bzip2 -v -i /cdrom/name_of_afio_archive
#       [*] Had you set def to ~keeling/dwn, you would now have the
#       contents written in ~keeling/dwn/path/to/...
#       HOWEVER, had you been in directory "/", you will have REPLACED 
#       your "afio_archive" (/home, /etc, /, ...)directory.  This may 
#       be a good or bad thing depending upon your circumstances.  This
#       is comparable to the way Gnu tar works; afio strips off leading
#       "/" chars on filenames just like Gnu tar, so the restore will
#       be written to the user's $PWD.
#   To recover a _single file_ from an afio archive:
#         afio -Z -P bzip2 -v -i -y path/to/single/file.txt /cdrom/afio_archive
# - Test the contents of an afio archive with:
#         afio -tZ -P bzip2 /full/path/to/afio_archive
#   New; to recover Debian:
#     dpkg --get-selections >  /mnt/${now}_packages.txt
#     dpkg --set-selections <  /mnt/${now}_packages.txt
#     aptitude update
#     aptitude install
#  ?????2001  sbk.  0001  begin.
#  20Feb2002  sbk.  0002  added progress reporting comments.
#   2Apr2002  sbk.  0003  convert to afio.
#   3Apr2002  sbk.  0004  renumbered.  works.  maintain.
#   3Apr2002  sbk.  0005  version creep.
#   6May2002  sbk.  0006  start time, single archive.
#  30May2002  sbk.  0007  minimal reformatting (comments).
#   4Jun2002  sbk.  0007  more comments.
#  19Jan2003  sbk.  0008  ${workdir}/${now}_scratchafiols.txt
#  17Mar2004  sbk.  0009  if [ ${mo} = 01 ]
#   7Apr2004  sbk.  0010  dpkg --get-selections
#   8Apr2004  sbk.  0011  /scratch/iso/track_01.img
#  14May2004  sbk.  0012  fixed some comments.
#  11Jul2004  sbk.  0013  fixed some more comments.
#  21Jul2004  sbk.  0014  added more comments.
#  12Oct2004  sbk.  0015  disabled ${blast}, simplified cleanup.
#  20Oct2004  sbk.  0016  find ... -print0
#  29Oct2004  sbk.  0017  backed out "find ... -print0"
#  29Apr2005  sbk.  0018  comments.
#  15Aug2005  sbk.  0019  no /boot anymore.
#  14Sep2005  sbk.  0020  dev=ATAPI:0,0,0
#   8Nov2005  sbk.  0021  2.6 kernel, dev=0,0,0
#   4Mar2006  sbk.  0022  2.6 kernel, sarge, dev=/dev/hdc
#  27Jun2006  sbk.  0023  2.6 kernel, sarge, dev=/dev/hdd
#  11Feb2007  sbk.  0024  bzip2
#   9Jun2007  sbk.  0025  Etch.  no more /scratch.
#  24Jan2008  sbk.  0026  Etch.  P-IV update, wodim.
#  23Mar2008  sbk.  0027  Many functions, much clean up.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Notes (based on wl's testing).  Need to update with rip
#       commands (dd?):
#  - Try:
#       cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd -useinfo -audio image.iso
#  - To erase CD-RW (almost failed on *buntu?):
#       cdrecord blank=all dev=/dev/hdd
#  - cdrdao fails portability:
#       cdrdao copy --device /dev/hdd --eject --reload
#  - cdparanoia fails portability:
#       cdparanoia -B -- "-14"     # <-- no. of tracks
#       cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd -audio -pad *.wav
# Output, using bzip2:

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)          Linux Counter #80292
- -    Please, don't Cc: me.

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