Matthew Smith wrote at 2009-03-13 03:19 -0600:
> All has gone well so far, but I am experiencing issues trying to boot
> the external disc with anything but the Debian stock kernel. Here are
> the facts:
> * I am booting from Grub on the internal disc.
> * With the Debian kernel, the external disc boots fine.
> * I have a requirement to use 2.6.24-r7 (this is the kernel for which
> the latest stable realtime patches are available.)
> * Whilst I have configured the kernel with SCSI, SATA and USB
> Mass-storage compiled in, /dev/sdb2 (which works with the Debian kernel)
> cannot be found.  It can, however, see the partitions on the internal
> SATA disc.
> * I have copied my (working) Gentoo kernel configuration over, built and
> installed and still get the device not found error.
> In a word, help!  I've never had an issue like this before except when
> I've forgotten to include an essential kernel module - but I can't see
> what I could have missed. (Then again, I've never tried booting from an
> external device before - but the stock kernel can do it!)

If the stock Debian kernel works, have you tried using that config for your 

Also, you may want to try using the Debian linux-image-2.6.24 package¹.  I 
think it corresponds to, so if it works you should be able to install 
linux-source-2.6.24², patch that source with the realtime patches, and then 
use make-kpkg in the kernel-package package to build it.  Then you can work 
with your config until you get it how you want it.

If you haven't used make-kpkg before, it goes like this:
1. untar the source which is installed in /usr/src
2. set up config
3. run "make-kpkg kernel_image modules_image"
   to build and package kernel image and modules (2 packages)
   optionally add "--initrd"
4. install the 2 packages with dpkg

I hope this helps a bit.


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