On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 18:57:22 +1200
cr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a rash of viruses with spoofed origin lines all of a sudden?   
> I had *120* emails in my other email account today (not the one I use on 
> Debian), many of them were Re: Wicked Screensaver.   I thought they were all
> spam but I guess they were mostly bounce messages - something's been
> spoofing my (other) email addy.

    Be glad, some roadrunner business customer is spewing a virus to tons of
people using my address in the from field.  As a result I get all the bounces.
 Now ya wanna get the kick in the nads?

    [EMAIL PROTECTED] bounces my reporting email because I run my own mail server
on a static IP (one I've had for over a year now) in DSLExtreme's residential
block.  I call them to report it over the phone and get a recording telling me
to email it which promptly hangs up.  There is no way on that number to get
a live human being.  When I call the corporate office and get shuffled off to
a CCR in a different department he's able to contact them for me.  I'm told to
use a free webmail account to send them the headers.... but not as an
attachment.  Great, the headers are in the bounce so I cannot script pulling
them out easily.  So fugg'em, 60k+ of messages in-line.  Nope, the web form
pukes on that.  :/

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
                               |    -- Lenny Nero - Strange Days

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