On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:49:01 +0300 Alphonse Ogulla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do I get ls to list directory contents with color without passing > the --color option everytime? Edit your ~/.bashrc (/etc/skel/.bashrc for all new users) and your ~/.bash_profile (/etc/skel/.bash_profile for all users) There is an option in .bashrc to turn it on, just uncomment it. There is an option in .bash_profile to source .bashrc on logon, just uncomment it. -- -johann koenig Now Playing: The Grateful Dead - Uncle John's Band : Skeletons From The Closet Today is Sweetmorn, the 12nd day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3169 My public pgp key: http://mental-graffiti.com/pgp/johannkoenig.pgp
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