On Monday 2009 January 05 11:29:48 André Neves wrote:
> Mitch, please clarify whether there are still any iceweasel|firefox
> processes running (i.e. if any survived the killing).

Wow!  How many times are you guys going to tell the guy the same thing?

Mitch, could you please post the output of:
ps auwx | grep -E 'ice|fire|xul'
find ~/.mozilla -iname '*lock*' -ls

The ps command should show most processes related to iceweasel, as well as 
some unrelated, and let you and us confirm that they aren't running.  If they 
are, perhaps you should kill them.  I generally like the following commands:
kill -INT <process_id>
kill -TERM <process_id>
kill -KILL <process_id>
in that order, checking to see if the process is still around after issuing 
each one.  The INT command is a like a "Ctrl+C"... most programs will cleanup 
and exit if they can, others will abort a long-running process and request 
more input.  The TERM is more severe, an explicit instruction to terminate 
ASAP.  The KILL is most severe, shuts down the program without giving it a 
chance to cleanup, the next time it would be eligible to receive a "signal" 
(technical term).

After all the iceweasel processes are cleaned up, the find command above 
should list all the lock files, verbosely.  You can inspect the files 
individually, but they are mostly likely ready to be removed.  Repeating the 
command but with '-delete' instead of '-ls' should do that.

If iceweasel continues to give the same error after killing those processes 
and removing those files, we may have to monitor iceweasel as it starts up 
using strace and/or ltrace.  This will produce a lot of information but, when 
properly filtered, should indicate the next steps.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
b...@iguanasuicide.net                     ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.net/                      \_/     

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