2008/12/3 Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > some time ago when I was mostly a widows user I wrote a nice little batch > script that took as an argument a directory path in-which it expected to > find a ./RAW directory containing the *.CRW raw files from my old canon > camera, then it used dcraw and exiftool to develop the raw file and copy the > exif meta data over to the new file. > > This can probably be done with a one liner under linux, can someone help me > convert the functionality of this to an sh or perl script? > > Thank you, the windows batch is below. > ################################## > > @echo off > cls > echo from CRW raws > %~d1 > cd\ > cd %~p1 > cd RAW > dir /B *.CRW > raw.txt > copy C:\raw_converters\.badpixels ..\ > :: @echo on > > set Sufix1=tiff > :: > > FOR /f %%a in (raw.txt) do call :de_raw %%a > GOTO SUB_DONE :de_raw > :: cd .. > IF EXIST "..\%~n1.%Sufix1%" GOTO :EOF echo use dcraw to convert %~nx1 to > "%~n1.%Sufix1%" > C:\raw_converters\dcraw.exe -T -v -w -B 2 4 "%~n1.CRW" :: > C:\raw_converters\dcraw.exe -T -v -w -K "C:\raw_converters\dark.pgm" > "%~n1.CRW" :: worst for some reason > :: > echo use exiftool to copy all meta data from %~nx1 to "%~n1.%Sufix1%" > C:\raw_converters\exiftool.exe -TagsFromFile "%~n1.CRW" "%~n1.%Sufix1%" > :: > :: > echo del "%~n1.%Sufix1%_original" > del "%~n1.%Sufix1%_original" > echo move "%~n1.%Sufix1%" to ..\ > move "%~n1.%Sufix1%" ..\ > :: cd RAW > GOTO :EOF :SUB_DONE > del raw.txt > del ..\.badpixels > :: http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/exiftool_pod.html > :: > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject > of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] > >
hey hey, Here's a skeleton to get you started, at least something to work with. I don't work with crw/raw and haven't seen a .bat script in a while... but this should help If you have questions about the linux vs windows differences just ask! cheers, Owen. ################################### #!/bin/bash RAWDIR="$1" BADPIXELS="/home/bob/.badpixels" INSUFFIX="CRW" OUTSUFFIX="tiff" DCRAW="/usr/bin/dcraw" EXIFTOOL="/usr/bin/exiftool" usage() { echo "Usage: $0 <dir>" exit 1; } do_dcraw(){ ## N.B. the -B option doesn't seem to exist in the version I checked... ${DCRAW} -T -v -w -B 2 4 "$1" } do_exiftool(){ ${EXIFTOOL} -TagsFromFile "$1" "$2" } do_convert() { local FILENAME="$1" local BASENAME=`basename ${FILENAME} .${INSUFFIX}` do_dcraw ${FILENAME} do_exiftool ${FILENAME} ${BASENAME}.${OUTSUFFIX} } ## A quick argument check if ( [ $# -ne 1 ] || # Only one argument [ ! -d $1 ] ) # The argument exists and is a directory then usage fi ## Crawl the given dir and do the actual conversion find $RAWDIR -name "*.${INSUFFIX}" -execdir do_convert '{}' \; exit 0; -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]