Hi, my name is Amaranta, and i'm from Chile. In the page says that I have to write you in english, so i'm trying, but i'm not that handy though, so please be patience.
I have 2 problems: 1.- I sort of need the login.cc file of the Debian sources and I can't find it in anywere, if you please could send it to me. I need to see an example of how to capture the password of the user of the keyboard before it apears in the screen (like when someone make su). 2.- A friend and me are building sockets, and we did it on his Ubuntu machine, and we use a function call "gethostbyname" and it work. But when we try to prove it on my Debian "Lenny" machine, it didn't work. I search and for what I understood, "gethostbyname" seems to be "unavailable" in new distributions of Debbian. So, which function does the new libraries support that work as "gethostbyname"?, or which library has this function? I'll keep looking, maby I'll have luck now, while I wait for your answer. Thank you very much. Bye.