On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 05:46:26PM -0500, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 03:30:09AM +0100, lee wrote:
> > The web page looks good --- but it seems to tell me that it isn't
> > possible to have a setting to reject all cookies in the
> > ~/.lynxrc. Lynx itself won't save that setting, either, and I'm tired
> > of changing the setting every time myself.
> Which setting is that?  (If it's in the "options" menu, that can be changed
> using the ENABLE_LYNXRC feature).

The one I change? That's in the options menu. There's a footnote or so
in the options menu saying that some of the settings will not be
saved, and the cookie setting is one of them.
> > So how do you make lynx display gziped files?
> Actually you tell lynx to tell the server that it can display gzip'd files.
> Then (if the server cooperates), it'll deliver gzip'd files, and lynx
> will display them.
> # When doing a GET, lynx tells what types of compressed data it can 
> decompress 
> # (the "Accept-Encoding:" string).  This is determined by compiled-in support 
> # for decompression or external decompression programs. 
> # 
> # Values for this option are keywords: 
> #       NONE            Do not request compressed data 
> #       GZIP            For gzip 
> #       COMPRESS        For compress 
> #       BZIP2           For bzip2 
> #       ALL             All of the above. 
> (not all servers cooperate - and of course lynx _could_ be built without
> gzip support - but this is where it's configured at runtime in lynx).

Hm, I put that into ~/.lyncrc, with PREFERRED_ENCODING:all enabled
("#" removed). Starting lynx in an xterm and following a link to a
gziped file brings up and archive manager. Doing the same on a console
makes lynx offer me to either download the file or to cancel.

That is using apache2, running on the same host. I didn't change the
apache configuration in regard to this.

Why does the server need to cooperate? It can send the file in any
case, and lynx could just offer to download or to display it, or to

Hmm, interesting, I tried to display the same file with konquerer,
galeon and mozilla, and none of them displays it. But I'm pretty sure
that at least mozilla was able to display it when I tried last time
--- that can have to do with changing the data in my home directory.

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