On Sat,22.Nov.08, 14:44:53, Bhasker C V wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I usually end up having downloaded debian DVDs which I do not know if they 
> downloaded properly. The MD5 sums I do not download (when i use jigdo).

As far as I know jigdo does some additional checks so you should be 

>  Is there a method so that the DVD does a self-test so that i am sure that 
> the DVD is in a good state ? ( sort of a media check ? )

I know Knoppix used to have this, but don't recall about the Debian 
iso's (and don't have one handy to check). Did you read through the 
files on the disk?

>  OR
>  is there a method to get the MD5 of a DVD which I have with me ?

md5sum /dev/dvd

>  I know that i can get the DVD info from the .disk/info file in the 
>  DVD.
> thanks
> PS: Please copy me on replies since I am not sure if i am continuing to 
> receive the list mails


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