Raven wrote:
> Hi all.
> I recently coded a small GNOME applet and before sharing it with a few
> friends I wanted to make it "noob-proof" :)
> Basically I wanted to create the usual "configure" and Makefile scripts so
> that I can give my buddies the 3 simple commands to install the applet.
> After reading several (at least 5) different online tutorials, I'm afraid
> I can't figure out how to create those scripts.
> This is the current situation:
> * There is only one source file (myapplet.c) in /src
> * I have two folders, /pixmaps e /conf, that contain some graphics for the
> applet and the initial configuration file
> * In the folder root I also have the .server file needed by Bonobo
> and this is what I want to accomplish:
> * The compiled binary has to end up in /usr/lib/gnome-applets/
> * The graphics (icons and a logo) have to be copied in
> /usr/share/pixmaps/myapplet
> * The configuration file has to be copied in ~/.myapplet/myapplet.conf *
> The .server file has to be copied in in /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/
> The configure script should also check for dependencies such as gtk+,
> glibc and libxml2.
> I know it's quite the task but is there somebody willing to walk me
> through the whole process to create the install scripts?
> I now feel I am the real "noob" :(

Automake and autoconf can be very overwhelming.  I think the best way to
learn is to look at how other use it.  So, have you looked at the
autoconf/automake setup used in the Gnome project itself?


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
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Haskell is an even 'redder' pill than Lisp or Scheme.
     -- PaulPotts

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