--- lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 21:25:24 +0800 (CST)
> Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > building postfix virtual which is my goal.
> Hm, if you want to make it "virtual only", I guess you would have to
> have an empty mydestinations and add all the domains for which mail
> is
> to be delivered locally (that is somewhat illogical, though, because
> the mail is actually being delivered locally, just using a different
> transport) to the database (or to where ever you store the list of
> virtual domains).

That is what I'm trying to do.  I have the database maildb created

To run following commands on mysql to create further new domain:-

INSERT INTO domains (domain) VALUES ('domain.tld'); 
INSERT INTO aliases (mail,destination) VALUES 
('@domain.tld','[EMAIL PROTECTED]'), 

To run following commands on mysql to add further new user to the

INSERT INTO users (id,name,maildir,clear) VALUES 
('[EMAIL PROTECTED]','short description','foldername/','password'); 
INSERT INTO aliases (mail,destination) VALUES 

I have run following commands previously to create the 1st domain on
this box:-

mysql> INSERT INTO aliases (mail,destination) VALUES
    -> ('@satimis.com.tld','[EMAIL PROTECTED]'),
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

To add the first new user to the system

mysql> INSERT INTO users (id,name,maildir,clear) VALUES
    -> ('[EMAIL PROTECTED]','Stephen','Stephen/','x05satimis');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO aliases (mail,destination) VALUES
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

But I can't find the folder 'Stephen/'

I don't know why?  

Besides I haven't figured out how to edit main.cf directing the
incoming mails to their respective folders.  Advice would be
appreciated.  TIA

> If you do not serve a large number of domains and/or users that are
> not
> local users on the host, you don't need to use virtual domains at
> all.

No, I don't have large number of domains/users.  This is only a test. 
I'm trying to learn how to make it through test.

> It still doesn't work right before you fix the setup of virtual
> domains. Either remove it, or fix it, but if you fix it, you will
> have
> to do something about mydestinations. If you fix it and leave
> mydestinations untouched, you will have specified two different ways
> of
> dealing with mail for some of the domains you serve (i. e. deliver
> locally and deliver "virtually").

How to make it?  Thanks

> > Nov 12 12:48:10 xen05 postfix/smtpd[3378]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT
> from
> > web35208.mail.mud.yahoo.com[]: 450 4.7.1
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Recipient address rejected: Greylisted, see
> > http://isg.ee.ethz.ch/tools/postgrey/help/satimis.com.html;
> > helo=<web35208.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
> > 
> > It also arrived, being added on the same file
> /var/spool/mail/satimis
> > again.
> But the recipient address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is graylisted for
> some
> reason. And afair, 450 is a temporary error, telling the sending MTA
> to
> try again later because it is to be expected that the problem will be
> solved and the mail can be accepted later, see the RFC. You need to
> find out why this message has been delivered though it shouldn't, and
> weather 450 is the right response or not: If you always don't want to
> accept incoming mail to greylisted addresses, the response should be
> 550.

But this only happened once.

> To be curious, what happens when a mail is detected to be SPAM or to
> contain a virus? Exim can have mails scanned before accepting them;
> does
> postfix the same? 

I don't know.  I'm learning.

> I would highly recommend that because it's pretty
> much the only policy you can have for viruses: It prevents you from
> making mail vanish without notice --- which is not acceptable in any
> case --- and from flooding the mail queue with error messages that
> cannot be delivered and should not be sent in response to viruses
> anyway. You can do the same for SPAM, unless you have users who
> prefer
> to deal with SPAM themselves. Since sending error messages in
> response
> to SPAM is pretty useless, it's best not to accept SPAM in the first
> place (unless users want to get it). To ward off more SPAM, Exim can
> do
> sender verification (amazingly effective and better than scanning
> because scanning for SPAM takes a lot of ressources) and thus deny to
> accept mail from non-existing or unreachable sender addresses ---
> also
> highly recommended because it is impossible to correctly handle any
> mail from unreachable senders: How would you send the sender an error
> message if needed? You can't, thus your server would make mail
> vanish, which is not acceptable, and it is not correct handling not
> to
> send one when needed. So don't accept mail you know you cannot handle
> correctly. If postfix can do all that, set it up to do it. If it
> can't,
> use Exim ...
> > I have no idea what does it refer to on following link;
> > 
> > http://isg.ee.ethz.ch/tools/postgrey/help/satimis.com.html
> This is probably not the right URL. I guess it should point to the
> postgrey you are running on xen05, not the postgrey running on
> another
> computer. You might have to change that somewhere in the
> configuration
> of something (probably postgrey).

It only happens once when I sent a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on
Yahoo.  On clicking the URL on browser it is directed to;


> > Again sent another mail on Gmail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  It also
> > arrived being added to /var/spool/mail/satimis file
> How comes that the recipient address is greylisted when you send mail
> from yahoo but not when you send mail from gmail to the same
> recipient
> address?
> > Now how can I make the 1st incoming mail creating subdirectoris
> /cur
> > /new etc automatically.  TIA
> You need to configure postfix to use maildir instead of (I think)
> mbox.

But this arrangement is NOT for virtual domain. 

> What about:
> > drwxr-sr-x  2 virtual virtual  4096 2008-11-08 06:33 virtual
> ? Is that a directory in which the mail is delivered that goes to
> virtual domains?

No.  All incoming mails are added on /var/spoon/mail/satimis file.


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