
Network uses nis for logins.  Since last night,
logins are no longer possible, although password
changes can still be done(!) using yppasswd.

Attempting to login on a non-yp-server machine
results in 'Login incorrect' at the prompt.
Attempting to use passwd at the root prompt
on a non-yp-server machine gets you

        'Authentication service cannot 
        retrieve authentication info.'

Which I suspect is a pam error.  The only
change I'm aware of which took place overnight
was an apt- upgrade which upgraded perl from
the security archive.  I've downgraded perl
but it's made no difference.

The autofs mounts are still working, I can
su to 'username' and I get the appropriate
uid and gid and home directory, so clearly 
the ypserv is handing out some information.

As the problem is common to all connected
machines, it would appear to be at the server.
The server machine is woody.

Any ideas on how to proceed to track this
one down, please?


Mark Kent

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