Bob wrote:
Bob wrote:
Rhythmbox 0.9.6 in etch automagic finds mt-daapd running on my lenny nas box, it displays and plays the music and playlists served beautifully.

Rhythmbox 0.11.6 in lenny doesn't, if I manually enter the relevant ip and port info it plays fine but it's a pain to have to manually enter that every time.

Does anyone know of a way to persuade the newer version to behave more like the old, either my search is weak today or no one's even mentioned this regression, one thing my searching did turn up is that Rhythmbox doesn't display local shares from the same user, but the etch desktop, lenny desktop and lenny Nas box are all psychically separate PCs updated half an hour ago.


Sorry to respond to myself, bad form Bla Bla etc etc...

I've done some more digging, there's a mention in this thread
that DAAP doesn't work with gstreamer 0.10 but as etch uses 0.10.10 and lenny 0.10.19 and DAAP works fine on my etch boxes I don't know if that's it, there are also some old threads from 2005 on problems with DAAP on AMD64bit architecture, which I am using but I suspect those issues have been resolved as
a: 64bit is so prevalent now and
b: DAAP actually works fine, it the discovery that doesn't.

Then in November 2006 on the Rhythmbox news page it adds as a feature for the 0.11.3 release
"Allow DAAP shares to be connected to manually"
But it doesn't mention automatic discovery of DAAP shares anywhere.

As per this bug
I've tried disabling ipv6 in /etc/avahi-daemon.conf on my server to no avail, I don't think it's the same thing anyway as I don't use ipv6 yet.

One other thing I've seen mentioned in the Ubuntu forms of enabling "automatic service discovery" in the General tab of the Network settings dialog box but Debian has no such option.

This is a bit of a pain as the fact that my daap server is just there on etch is supper cool and helps the WAF, SWMBOs not a great one for typing in IP addresses every time she wants to listen to some choons.

Any help greatly appreciated.


the mt-daapd box is a dual P!!! lenny server and
the lenny desktop box is
AMD Athlon(tm) Dual Core Processor 4850e
Linux M3A78-EM0x 2.6.26-1-amd64 #1 SMP

Just to respond to my-self again, I just put lenny on my 32bit AthlonXP desktop and it does find the
DAAP server and plays the files served fine.

For testing and debugging purposes I also put mt-daapd on one of my lenny AMD64bit machines, Rhythmbox on my 32bit lenny and etch boxen now see and play from both the daap servers no problem however when I start Rhythmbox on one of the other AMD64 boxes the 64bit mt-daap server vanishes form the network with this in the log

2008-11-11 12:14:20 (a1fbbf76): Firefly Version svn-1696: Starting with debuglevel 2 2008-11-11 12:14:20 (a1fbbf76): Error loading plugin /usr/lib/mt-daapd/plugins/ plugin declined to load
2008-11-11 12:14:20 (a1fbbf76): Plugin loaded: rsp/svn-1696
2008-11-11 12:14:20 (a1fbbf76): Plugin loaded: daap/svn-1696
2008-11-11 12:14:20 (a1fbbf76): Plugin loaded: ssc-ffmpeg/svn-1696
2008-11-11 12:14:20 (a1fbbf76): Starting rendezvous daemon
2008-11-11 12:14:20 (a1fbbf76): Client running
2008-11-11 12:14:20 (a1fbbf76): Starting signal handler
2008-11-11 12:14:20 (a1fbbf76): Initializing database
2008-11-11 12:14:21 (a1fbbf76): Starting web server from /usr/share/mt-daapd/admin-root on port 3689
2008-11-11 12:14:21 (a1fbbf76): Registering rendezvous names
2008-11-11 12:14:21 (a1fbbf76): Serving 3583 songs. Startup complete in 1 seconds 2008-11-11 12:14:23 (a3328ca6): Thread 1: Entering ws_returnerror (204: Logout Successful)
2008-11-11 12:15:15 (a3328ca6): Unknown meta code: daap.daap.songgenre
2008-11-11 12:15:35 (d1e325a4): Session 0: Streaming file '16_Shirley Bassey_-_Big Spender.mp3' to (offset 0)
2008-11-11 12:15:35 (d1e325a4): Write error: Connection reset by peer
2008-11-11 12:15:35 (7704b9b5): Session 0: Streaming file '16_Shirley Bassey_-_Big Spender.mp3' to (offset 0)
2008-11-11 12:16:30 (d1e325a4): Unknown meta code: daap.daap.songgenre
2008-11-11 12:16:46 (713cd645): Session 0: Streaming file 'Sting - Brand New Day.mp3' to (offset 0)
2008-11-11 12:16:46 (713cd645): Write error: Connection reset by peer
2008-11-11 12:16:46 (713cd645): Session 0: Streaming file 'Sting - Brand New Day.mp3' to (offset 0) 2008-11-11 12:17:25 (7704b9b5): Session 0: Streaming file '15_Shirley Bassey_-_This Is My Life.mp3' to (offset 0)
2008-11-11 12:17:25 (7704b9b5): Write error: Connection reset by peer
2008-11-11 12:17:25 (7704b9b5): Session 0: Streaming file '15_Shirley Bassey_-_This Is My Life.mp3' to (offset 0) 2008-11-11 12:18:29 (a3328ca6): Thread 12: Entering ws_returnerror (204: Logout Successful)
2008-11-11 12:18:43 (713cd645): Write error: Connection reset by peer
2008-11-11 12:18:43 (d1e325a4): Thread 30: Entering ws_returnerror (204: Logout Successful)

as you can see 2 PCs were accessing the share simultaneously xx24.111 is a 32bit etch box and xx24.103 is a 32bit lenny box, the mt-daap daemon doesn't crash and if nothing's accessing it when the 64bit Rhythmbox is started neither does it disappear form the network.

the 32bit mt-daap server is more robust and doesn't vanish even if you are using it when the 64bit Rhythmbox is started, but in none of the permutations I've tried does the 64bit Rhythmbox discover either of the daap shares.

I don't know weather this is a problem with mt-daap (doubt it) or rhythmbox (more likely)

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