On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 the mental interface of 
John Foster told:

> I want to locate an editor that will run on Linux that will handle .pdf 
> flie format. I really am only interested in one with a WYSIWYG  GUI 
> frontend. I just tried kile & it seeems to be partially there but does 
> not appear to have a WYSIWYG mode for its editor.  Anyone have any 
> suggestions?  Commercial is OK.
Whats about xv with a pdf module compiled in?

# unofficial xv source
deb-src http://debian.uni-essen.de/misc/local/ theo-phys local

For the patch:

Have fun ;-)

  "Talking much about oneself can also 
   be a means to conceal oneself."
         -Friedrich Nietzsche

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