2008/10/18 Bogdan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hey,
> Although I don't like it, the bank i work with only offers Internet Banking
> that works only under Internet Explorer. So, unfortunately, if I want to
> check out my account I see myself obliged to boot Windows :(. I know that IE
> can be installed through wine but no one  seems to guaranty safety... Would
> IE installed on my Debian be less safe than the one running in it's native
> environment? If yes, why would that be so?

Switch banks. I did for that reason and that reason only.

The bank is forcing you to use an insecure browser. Would you not
switch banks if they forced you to make deposits in a flimsy tin
lockbox outside their building? You cannot trust IE, and you should
not under any circumstances use IE for internet banking, paypal, ebay,
or any other financial transaction. So far as you are  concerned, your
bank does not offer internet banking.

I am not joking, and I am not exaggerating.

Dotan Cohen



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