On Tue, 14 Oct 2008 18:12:40 -0400, "H.S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am tying to see which mail server to install so that I can send emails
> via scripts using Gmail (preferable) or Yahoo smtp servers.
> I haven't setup email servers yet. Which one I go for (on Debian and
> Ubuntu)? Exim4, postfix, or perhaps msmtp? The last one I learned from
> here:
> If people have done this kind of stuff before, any insights or points I
> should keep in mind? The objective is to send emails unattended via
> scripts.
> Thanks.

I'm running postfix myself. It handles several of my emailaccounts.
Sometimes mail sent using my @gmail accounts from my own SMTPd was bounced
because the SPF-records didn't match. 

I had to set up postfix to use Gmail's SMTP as a relay for outgoing mail
for my Gmail-accounts. This was a bit tricky because Gmail's SMTPd only
accepts encrypted authenticated connections. 

Outgoing mail from my other accounts are delivered using the ISP's relay. 

So I'd recommend postfix, because it does what I need and I have no
experience with other SMTPd's. ;)

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