On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 07:51:05AM -0700, Michael Epting wrote:
| On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 06:42:08AM -0400, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
| > 
| > This is exim's response to fetchmail.  You have exim's syntax checking
| > turned on, so it will reject any incoming message which is
| > syntactically not a valid email message.  This is a good feature if
| > your MTA receives mail directly from the internet because it blocks a
| > fair amount of junk.
| > ... 
| > Since you are using exim 3, make sure the variables
| > 'headers_check_syntax' and 'headers_sender_verify' are set to false.
| Thanks dman, good guess.  But I had the line
| # headers_check_syntax
| commented out in my exim.conf.  Just to be sure, though, I did it your
| way.  I did not have a headers_sender_verify, so I added it.  So I now
| have:
| headers_check_syntax = false
| headers_sender_verify = false
| I restarted both exim and fetchmail, but I still have a logjam.
| However, based on your suggestion, I checked my /var/log/exim/mainlog
| and found this (apparently once for each bad header):
| 2003-08-15 07:43:58 unqualified recipient rejected:
|  <epting> H=debian (localhost) []

Ok, you fixed one problem and now you're on to another.  (notice how
exim is rejecting the message for a different reason?)

| In my exim.conf I have:
| qualify_domain = localhost
| # qualify_recipient =
| local_domains = localhost:localhost
| which seems to be the right thing.  Does anybody have any other
| suggestions?

I really don't remember these details any more because exim 3 is _so_
obsolete.  (exim 4 has been "stable" for well over a year now)

However, all the details on exim's operation are laid out in
/usr/share/doc/exim/spec.txt.gz which is also available at


The nice thing about windoze is - it does not just crash,
it displays a dialog box and lets you press 'ok' first.

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