On Fri, 3 Oct 2008 10:25:04 -0400
Rob McBroom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2008-Oct-3, at 10:10 AM, Celejar wrote:
> > There are advantages to setting static IPs - you can set up host files
> > and refer to the hosts by name, and I think that bringing up  
> > interfaces
> > is a good few seconds quicker with static IPs than with DHCP.
> True, but the OP will have a laptop that probably needs to use many  
> different networks. Manually switching the laptop back to a static  
> config every time you come home will probably take longer than waiting  
> on DHCP (and is a pain in the ass). ;)

Well, I think the OP said that the laptop will run 'the other OS', and
I've always found that configuring wireless under windows is a royal
pain, but perhaps that's just because I'm not that experienced with
it.  Anyway, I assume that the OP will be using WPA, in which case
he'll anyway need to set up a specific profile for use on his home
network, so he can just include the IP information in the appropriate
configuration area.  E.g., if he uses /etc/network/interfaces
and ifscheme (under Debian), then he'd include a stanza like this:

iface eth0-homenet inet static
        hostname name

        wireless_mode managed
        wireless_essid abcdefgh
        wpa-ssid abcdefgh
        wpa-psk x*64

[The wpa psk should probably really go into a separate
'wpa_supplicant.conf' file, since 'interfaces' is world readable.]

Switching networks is then simply a matter of 'ifscheme homenet'.  I
understand that there are other ways to do this, such as NetworkManager
and wifi-radar, but this is what I use, and it works quite well. 

> Rob McBroom

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