* Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030806 02:48]: > On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 12:23:24AM -0700, Jefferson Cowart wrote: > > Please CC me on any responses as I'm not subscribed to this list. > > http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/usenet/mail-responses.html > Either set Mail-Followup-To: yourself or don't request it.
Each time I see this type of admonition I always wonder why you think it's easier to hit 'L' and type up a lecture than just to hit 'g' and give the poster the answer to his question in a way that he might actually see it. If you don't want him to get your answer, why did you bother writing it at all? Sure, it's fine if hitting L is your habit, and sometimes you just hit it by force of habit and someone who wants a reply doesn't get one. But in this case, you clearly read and understood his request. It's not even a matter of inconvenience; I'm sure it's a lot more convenient to just hit 'g' than to write up the 2 lines of lecture. I guess I just don't understand why you'd bother replying at all, since helping the OP was clearly not your intention. I think the word for this kind of posting is "trolling" (... and I just fed the troll -- d'oh!) good times, Vineet -- http://www.doorstop.net/ -- One nation, indivisible, with equality, liberty, and justice for all.
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