On Sun,07.Sep.08, 11:31:38, David Bernier wrote:
> Dear Debian-user:
> I'd be interested to know of mailing lists which would be
> appropriate for customizing the way the shell works,
> customizing Gnome, the right directories for plug-ins, etc.
What's wrong with this list? :D If you are running Debian it is always 
better to ask here first, because you might be seeing Debian specific 

> For example, I'd like to shorten the prompt in the bash shell:
> /bin/bash
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/TESTS_C_LANG/factoring$ pwd
> /home/david/TESTS_C_LANG/factoring
> I find "~/TESTS_C_LANG/factoring" too long.

Check your PS1 in '.bashrc'. I am using the colored one, but changed it 
to only display the current directory:

PROTECTED]:\[\033[01;34m\]\W\[\033[00m\]\$ '

For more details check bash's man page.

> Recently, I got the new *.so from Adobe for the Flash   Plug-in.
> For the Galeon browser, it turns out that /usr/ ... /mozila/ .. /
> is the correct directory to put the plugin in, but
> under mozilla, the *.so has a name starting with:
>  mozilla*.so  (i.e. starts with mozilla, ends with .so).
> Adobe's unpacked new Flash plug-in comes under a name
> different from mozilla*.so ;  so by renaming the old plug-in and giving
> the .so from Adobe the name of the old plug-in, Galeon was
> able to use the new Flash plug-in.
And what seems to be the problem? Are you aware that the Adobe plugin is 
available in the contrib section of the repository?

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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