I've used cryptsetup with luks options, saved new data, rebooted my
system, asked about passphrase in the boot level, and now I have mounted
my crypto partition with saved data.

 That's what I did step by step:

1. I've added modules: aes, dm_mod, dm_crypt, to /etc/modules
2. Created the cryptographic device mapper: cryptsetup -y luksFormat /dev/hda6
2. Opened LUKS device as mapping <name>: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/hda6 crypt
3. Created ext3 file system on device mapper: mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/crypt
4. Added "crypt /dev/hda6  none   luks" to /etc/crypttab
5. Added "/dev/mapper/crypt  /mnt/crypt ext3  defaults 0        0" to 
/etc/fstab and created /mnt/crypt mount directory
6. Removed LUKS mapping: cryptsetup luksClose crypt

 Thanks everybody for the help, and great respect.

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