On Wed,03.Sep.08, 15:50:42, Mark Grieveson wrote:
> Hello.  When debian first installs, it gives the option of separating
> the home directory (and some other directories) into a separate
> partition.  I did not choose this option, and instead went for the
> recommended newbie option of everything in one partition.  However, now
> I think it would be a good idea to separate stuff.  Is there a way to
> rerun that aspect of the install, or, if not, another way to do this?
This is how you could do it to separate /home (one of the first 
candidates to consider):

1.  create the new partition
1a. optionally label it (recommended if you have multiple disks)
2.  boot from some live CD
3.  copy everything in /home to the new partition
4.  create a new line in fstab to mount the partion at /home
5.  boot with the new config and look for problems
6.  if everything is ok boot again from a live CD
7.  delete all contents of /home (the dir not the partition) to reclaim
    the space

This method should be safe also for /usr and /var though for a separate 
/home you just need to make sure no user (except root) is logged in and 
for /var switching to runlevel 1 should be enough.

Be careful when calculating the needed space for partitions or you could 
run into trouble. 

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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