On Aug 27, 9:00 am, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue, 26 Aug 2008, Bob Goldberg wrote:
> > running etch; rssh/chroot with users allowed sftp only
> > I have myumask=007 in my rssh.conf; I have setgid=true on all home dir's.
> > When a user uploads a file, that file does NOT have mode=660 as I would
> > expect - instead it's 640.
> Did you check that the code is trying to create the file with file mode 777
> (so thatumaskhas full control of what will end up on the inode)?  If it
> does, e.g, 644, yourumaskwill never be able to get a 660 out of it.

TX for your reply...

I'm not sure I understand where I would look for that...
because this is a chroot'ed user, and they can only use sftp thru rssh
- I had thought the mode settings associated with those packages would
over-ride any others...

now if a normal user creates a file - it IS 644... is that what you

TIA again :)

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