On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Steve S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm running a freshly installed lenny (lenny beta2 netinst) + Gnome and
> Iceweasel 3.0.1.
> I have 2 questions:
> 1) libflashplayer.so
> On my old system (sarge, dist-upgraded to testing), I had flash working with
> flashplugin-nonfree. I did some research (including the last flash-related
> threads) and it seems that libflashplayer.so is now available in backports or
> sid (flashplugin-nonfree) or debian-multimedia (flashplayer-mozilla).
> Say I want to go a "standard repository route" (i.e. testing main contrib
> non-free, none of the above). `apt-cache search` offers 3 alternative browser
> plugins, which are quite new to me:
> libflash-mozplugin
> mozilla-plugin-gnash
> swfdec-mozilla
> Which of these is recommended, if any. What do people use?
> 2) swfdec-mozilla, swfdec-gnome
> In an attempt to test if libflashplayer.so would still work, I
>    * downloaded it from the Adobe site and put it into ~/.mozilla/plugins/ (or
>      /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/)
>    * deleted .mozilla/firefox/blablaxyz.default/pluginreg.dat
> But about:plugins said that IW uses libswfdecmozilla.so. Going to a site with
> flash content invokes libswfdecmozilla.so, and no video is played.
> Trying to `apt-get remove --purge swfdec-mozilla` or swfdec-gnome would result
> in a complete removal of Gnome(!), since, according to `apt-cache showpkg
> swfdec-mozilla`, it reverse-depends on Gnome.
> Why is that, if it's "only" a browser plugin?
> To deactivate it's usage, I renamed
>    /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libswfdecmozilla.so    ->
>    /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/__libswfdecmozilla.so
> But even then, about:plugins tells me that IW uses "__libswfdecmozilla.so".
> Very impressive. I had to remove(!) it from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ to force
> IW to use libflashplayer.so.
> So, is this the only way to switch swfdec-mozilla off?

I don't know what Debian developers did with flash plugin on IW but
right after doing a fresh install, I am no longer propmted to install
flash plugin but rather IW appears to have a plugin pre-packaged. It
does not randomly play flash media when accessed, you have to press
the play button which is super annoying.

I started a thread about this and never had the issue resolved. If you
would like to read my thread, go the following URL:


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