> What I'm worried about is the tools I use.  In particular, I need a  
> browser with all the usual suspects working properly: flash and java  
> (unfortunately some of the tools I need to use at work are written in  
> these abominable languages).  Does anyone do heavy java and flash usage  
> under 64bit Debian (I'm running Lenny)?

Not really. Flash works fine here (on a sid system using
nspluginwrapper) most of the time, but sometimes flash objects become
blank and I have to restart Iceweasel. I don't use Java at all (at least
not in the browser.

Otherwise, everything works really great. Debian on AMD64 is of the same
quality as on i386.

> Is this move viable or should I rather invest in a second box (won't  
> come for free).  I don't want to mess around with 32bit chroots - did  
> that before and I didn't like it one bit.

What exactly was so bad? I played around with schroot (I don't have an
urgent need for chroots) and it looks really fine. If you write a few
tiny shell scripts to automate the most common tasks (launch browser
from chroot etc.), you can probably forget that you are forced to use a
chroot at all.

I am not scared of death but terrified of people in Tommy Hilfiger
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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