> From: David Ayers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Curious about other methods to detect hard drive access
> Am Mittwoch, den 06.08.2008, 10:36 -0500 schrieb Stackpole, Chris:
> > The thing that got me thinking was, if this was a process generating
> > this disk I/O, or someone being malicious in generating this disk
I/O, I
> > would not have known which file was actually being accessed as I
> > found out the process. Is that possible? I am sure that Samba can be
> > configured to log the information, but what about other processes?
> > there a good way to tell what process/file is accessing the disk?
> lsof ?
> Cheers,
> David

Heh. That's funny. I have been using lsof a lot recently in tracking
down open TCP ports, and when I read your post I was initially confused.
Then I browsed the man page. I have been using one small section of that
tool so much that I never considered looking at what else it can do. :-D
Hooray! I learned something new!

Though I wonder how many other tools I do that with....


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