On Jul 25, 6:20 pm, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/25/08 16:32, Bob wrote:
> > Here's what I want:
> > I have a vmware server running on etch, hosting 4 VM's.
> > I want these 4 VM's to be hosted in such a way, that should anything
> > fail on 1 VM host, there is another providing seamless service. I want
> > to do this with the 2 pc's I already have, each with 2 NIC's, and no
> > other hardware.
> > My basic question - what's the best solution to accomplish this?
> > Here's what I've looked at:
> > drbd/HA (heartbeat) - allows you to raid1 a disk partition between 2
> > pc's over ethernet
> >    issues: in the default primary/secondary failover config, if
> > primary fails, there is some period of time (even if only seconds),
> > required for the secondary to become primary - I can only assume this
> > would mean rebooting all the VM's.
> >    however - you can run drbd in a primary/primary config - this
> > sounds like what I want. But it sounds like I need a clustering files
> > system to do this like GFS. After countless hours researching this,
> > I'm still not sure how to do it - do I need GFS? OCFS? NBD?
> > Now drbd isn't really a cluster, it's just raid1-ing 2 pc's - this
> > could be all I need.
> > But - would a REAL cluster be a better solution? I believe a cluster
> > could provide load balancing, or at least optimized use of all
> > available hard disk heads. Although, if drbd needs GFS, then in fact,
> > doesn't this become a real cluster?
> > What would a clustering solution look like?
> > which is the best filesystem to use - GFS/OCFS ?
> > would drbd still be needed if GFS is used?
> > Any ideas, experiences, help - greatly appreciated!
> A *real* cluster would entail running OpenVMS (since clustering is
> built deep into the OS) on either HP Integrity servers or used
> AlphaServers, and either buying little SAN boxes or using HBVS
> (Host-Based Volume Shadowing, which is similar to llvm, but has been
> in enterprise use for 25 years) on the disks.
> With this, the OS will allow you to use both nodes concurrently on
> the same data files, and in case of a node crash, the other node
> will clean things up so that you don't have any corrupted data.
> Next best would be Tru64 (a.k.a. OSF/1) Unix on AlphaServers,
> because much of the clustering technology from VMS was ported to Tru64.
> - --
> Ron Johnson, Jr.
> Jefferson LA  USA

Hi Ron;

I appreciate your comments. I knew very little about "true" clustering
solutions - that's all good to know...

However, I'm curious if you have an opinion of what the best linux-
based solution might be ?

TIA - Bob

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