"Patrick A. Ouellette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 03:35:00PM -0300, tyler wrote:
>> A typical result is burning the CD with KB3, which appears to work, but
>> then complains that the disk image does not match the downloaded ISO
>> when the verification check completes. If I try and boot these CDs, they
>> get me as far as the Xubuntu opening screen, but when I use the built-in
>> 'check CD integrity' it fails. Trying to boot anyways fails, it just
>> hangs.
> Sounds like data corruption somewhere.  Have you tried downloading by a
> different machine (despite the good MD5sum)?  Can you sucessfully burn
> a different CD?

I have tried downloading on three different machines. I just now tried
to burn the LinuxMint CD, which failed with the same error.


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