the first time i install testing package to my stable OS is to install amsn,
it installed many new libs, and resulted in a segment fault error, from that
time on, i never install testing packages to my stable OS, instead I add a
testing OS to my another PC :)

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Tony R Quilkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Daniel Ngu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've always been a Debian stable user, using Gnome as my desktop manager,
>> currently using Etch and have always wondered about the following:
>> Sometimes there are software that I want to use but they are not yet in
>> the
>> Debian stable repositories.
>> I can compile them from source into .deb package and install it that way.
>> However, most often the libraries needed to compile the software will be
>> newer
>> than that in the repositories.
>> In which case there are two options really:
>> I can try and compile those libraries and use them parallel to  stable
>> version
>> for those software that I wanted to use in the first place (which could
>> potentially be a lot of work since who knows in the worst case scenario I
>> might
>> need to compile a newer version of the compiler or even system dependant
>> libraries like gnome libraries), basically the list goes on due to
>> dependencies.
>> Or alternatively scrap stable version completely and use the testing
>> version of
>> Debian instead.
>> Any suggestions of what have been your solution in the above scenario?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
>> Daniel
>>  You can mix Debian releases by using a feature of apt called pinning.
> There is an article on the wiki that
> might be of interest.
> Tony
> --
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