On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, Nuno Magalhães wrote:

I know, it's a religious question and i'm bound to get replies of
different people telling me their choice is the best, but, why not...

The thing is i have a few requirements: i want applications that are
not desktop-dependant (i.e. Gnome or KDE) and do not rely upon Java.
This rules out a lot of text editors. For console, i use nano, for GUI
i'm using leafpad, any other suggestions?


The IDE part is a bit more tricky. Excluding Java kicks out NetBeans
and Eclipse. The basic fuctionality i search in an IDE is
syntax-highlight, code-completion, project-management and preferably
cross-platform and i18n support. Eclipse's C++ relied on make which
may be useful for linux but not as much for windows. Any IDE
supporting a GUI would be welcome; CodeDragon is at its early stage
and this poses the question: which toolkit to use?


At the most basic level i could use a regular graphical text-editor
with syntax-highlighting and search for the rest in the languages'
reference. Speaking of which, i intend to program mainly in C++ or
derivates. Code Crusader seemed cool except for the fact you have to
buy it...


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