>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:51 AM
>To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
>Subject: cpu constantly busy on debian sid without doing anything...
>Since some time the two cpu's of my system (Debian sid running on a
>thinkpad laptop x60s) are constantly busy up to the point that even the
>key-repeat (pushing down some key for repetitious input) doesn't work
>anymore when using an external usb keyboard.
>the system monitor shows for example:
>CPU History: ... cpu1 76.2%, CPU2 77.8%
>and using top I find:
>Cpu(s): 70.3%us, 5.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 21.6%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 2.7%si,
>but no busy processes are listed (Xorg: 4% cpu, gnome-system-monitor 3%
>cpu, hald 1%cpu, epiphany-browse 1%cpu, top 1%cpu, mysqld 0%cpu...)
>I wouldn't mind so much if I still could use crtr-h, ctrl-f, ctrl-n,
>normally in my emacs.  But for the moment even editing a simple text
>file is a pain because of key-repeat being so slow :( 
>Any idea what could be the reason?
>Thanks, Dietrich
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I once saw a similar problem. I don't know if this is your case, but I
will explain what I did.

I checked everything from the hard drive with iostat to the memory, my
cpu was being hammered much like yours but nothing seemed to fess up to
doing it. I installed htop (http://htop.sourceforge.net/ also in the
repos for apt-get goodness) and then I had it display Kernel threads
(run htop at the command line and sort by cpu with F6 then Shift+K to
show Kernel threads). In my case it was kacpid that was chewing up my
cpu. So I edited grub to be acpi=off and it went away.

That was sometime ago, but a quick Google search shows that it still
happens to people on Debian and Ubuntu systems. I have no idea what
causes it.

Hope that helps!

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